November 23, 2011, Egypt
“Get out, get out,” shout the demonstrators in Tahrir Square after the speech of Egyptian Defence Minister Mohammed Hussein Tantawi. They are demanding the resignation of the military council. Tantawi announced in a televised speech that presidential elections could be held as early as the end of June 2012. During Tantawi’s televised speech, the military uses brutally rubber bullets, live ammunition, and tear gas against the demonstrators in a side street of Tahrir Square. Around 35 people have died since the protests began.
November 23, 2011, Egypt
“Get out, get out,” shout the demonstrators in Tahrir Square after the speech of Egyptian Defence Minister Mohammed Hussein Tantawi. They are demanding the resignation of the military council. Tantawi announced in a televised speech that presidential elections could be held as early as the end of June 2012. During Tantawi’s televised speech, the military uses brutally rubber bullets, live ammunition, and tear gas against the demonstrators in a side street of Tahrir Square. Around 35 people have died since the protests began.