2018 — Video RAZAN

Excerpt from the video RAZAN

The video RAZAN is dedicated to the human rights activist Razan Zaitouneh. The Syrian lawyer has been working for the respect of human rights from the beginning of her legal career and is one of the most important voices of the Syrian peaceful popular uprising. She received many international peace awards, all of which she was unable to accept in person. In 2011 she received the Anna Politovskaya Award and the Sakharov Prize of the European Parliament, in 2012 the Ibn Rushd Prize for Free Thought for services to democracy and freedom of expression in the Islamic world, and in 2013 the International Women of Courage Award. She was unable to accept any of the awards herself. The weekly newspaper DIE ZEIT published her "Revolution Diary" in 2011. In 2011, "Foreign Policy" put her at No. 1 in its "100 Top Thinkers."

Razan Zaitouneh was co-founder of the Violance Documentation Centre in East Goutha. On December 9, 2013, she was kidnapped by gunmen from the VDC offices in East Goutha, along with her husband Wael Hamada and staff members Samira Khalil and Nazem Hammadi.

The video is based on the essay "Cold Mountain" in which Zaitouneh describes her work and her own constitution.

6 Min.